Sunday 27 January 2008

Second POst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i feel like a real blogger now. my second post. i feel kinda like an AV kid bob, but it's a lot cheaper than calling home i guess. life's definitely been picking up speed. the days are going faster and i'm starting to get into the groove of living in athens.

since my last post i went to an open air market which was really cool. picked up some nice veggies and fruit. too bad i'm not that big a fan of the veggies and fruits i ended up buying. i figure i'll make pasta or something. kinda wish i had a rice maker.

i'm starting to take more pictures. me and my roommate went to the athens flea market which was pretty cool. it was crazy how many people were there. selling a sorts of stuff. old shoes, used vhs tapes, trombones, everything. kinda like a huge garage sale. i put up some pictures.

athens is also crazy b/c dogs are everywhere. if you walk around any area, you'll have a dog or two follow you around no matter what. i think the city just lets them roam around. it's pretty crazy. reminds me of bonnie and sergio. those crazy dogs. they wouldn't last a second on the streets here.

anywho, that's about it for now. i'll start post some better stuff soon. i'm just bringing my camera around everywhere. if you're curious about anything or read something cool to do in greece let me know. later.

also, my jeans have a hole in it and it's a huge concern. for some reason i only brought one pair
and the hole just keeps getting bigger (you can kinda see thigh skin). i'll keep you all updated.

1 comment:

amoon said...

dude... get a new pair of jeans