Saturday 23 February 2008

Back from the Peloponese

Hey dudes,
I just got back from the second longest field trip of the semester. We spent five days in the Peloponese. It's the little island like thing that sticks out of Greece. We went to Nemea and Sparta the first day. Then we went to Pylos, then Olympia, then Patra and some other place I can't remember today.

Before that I wanna let you guys know about the things that happened right before the trip. I told you about that speech I gave on Acrocorinth (at least I think I did) and here's a picture of me on Acrocorinth (playing peekaboo).

Right before the trip there was a crazy snow storm. People told me that it's the most it's snowed here in a real long time. It was a bummer b/c I came to Greece to avoid this kind of weather. It was kinda a good reminders of home though. A little fun fact, Athens in is on the same longitude line as NYC. Crazy huh? I thought so. So I'm actually north of you guys in Philly. Here's a snow picture. By the way, that's the Olympic Stadium in Greece. I think they finished the marathon at the Athens Olympics there. I run there every so often. It's a dirt track (better for the knees) and you get really cool views of the city. It's pretty awesome (if you take away the running).

Anywho, I"m kinda tired, so I'll post again about the rest of the trip. I'll talk about Sparta. It was pretty cool. All the guys were really pumped up. Heard a lot of "This is Sparta's". The city's pretty small and it's really really pretty. Olive groves everywhere. It's really laid back there. It seems like a place a philosopher would hang out and not a crazy, jacked warrior dude. Go figure I guess. If you've seen 300, the olive trees in the movies are all over the town. like i said it's pretty small, but it was pretty cool to visit. Just being in Sparta made me feel pretty manly. Here are some pictures. One is of a bunch of us after playing ultimate freesbee on a field there. I'm the one posing like an O'Doyle from Happy Gilmore it was pretty cool. Ultimate frisbee in Sparta, kinda appropriate kinda... The other one is of the olive trees i kept rambling about.

PS I finally figured out Picsea or whatever and I'll post all my pictures..
PPS Happy day before your birthday Michelle, in case I don't post again tomorrow. 16. wow you can drive now almost. i'll give you a call.


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