Monday 3 March 2008

Soccer Game

i finally made it out to a soccer game yesterday. i had to paper due today and i didn't end up finishing until 30 minutes before they were due, but going to the game was definately worth it. It was between two athenian teams (panathenakos and aek). i like panathenakos better b/c their colors are green and white. i know it's a stupid reason, but what do i know about greek soccer.

so i went down to the game with sasha, pat, kurt and kurt's friend carson to olympic stadium. it was really nice. they only built it 3 years ago for the olympics and it's pretty impressive. i'll put pictures up on the picasa soon. i didn't take my camera, but carson took pictures.

the actual game was also pretty cool. the stadium seats around 72,000 and it was like 3/4 full. they blocked off a lot of upper deck seat so it was pretty packed closer to the field. it was an aek game some everyone was wearing yellow and black. it was awesome. they all knew the fight songs and all the communal chants. it was kinda like a penn state game except like 100x more intense if it's possible. they love their soccer here. the game ended up in a 1-1 tie. but when aek scored the stadium went nuts. rivaldo scored on a penalty kick really really nuts. it also got dead silent went panathenikos scored. i might've cheered, but i'm pretty sure i would've gotten my ass kicked.

rivaldo scoring

anywho, i'm pretty tired from staying up all night writing my stupid papers. i did get seperated from everyone on the metro ride back, which was pretty cool. well that's about it. i'm leaving for egypt in a few day. super psyched.

oh and i almost forgot, i got the internet back at home. Amazing. By far the most important news of the day.

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