Friday 29 February 2008

Work Work Work

Second post in the same week. Pretty good huh?

Anywho, I'm excited to finally figure out a way to get pictures online. Picasa is a really cool program. Google's a pretty cool company I guess. The one bad thing is that playing around with it is taking up a lot of time. Which is bad b/c I'm actually starting to get school work.

I have two papers due on Monday. Kind of a bummer. One is about what Socrates' view of the soul is and the other is about Plato's idea of model living. Just shoot me now. I've been sitting here in the bookstore for a couple hours and didn't even start yet. I did find this cool bordersesque bookstore near the center of town. It's call eleyoepoythakhe. Can't read that can you? I can. It's in Greek. It's kinda cool b/c I'm pretty good at reading greek now. It used to look like an alien language, but now it only look like french or chinese. anywho, the bookstore has free internet, which all i basically wanted to say.

I'm really excited for my spring break. Egypt. It's gonna be awesome. I'm really excited for the pyrimids and to see a camel (although i did see one over the weekend, i think it'll be cooler if see it in egypt). Well two more papers and I'm done working for a while. I have spring break and then the next week i'll be in northern greece which should be cool.

I finally got around to going to the acropolis last sunday. not sure if i talked about it yet. but i was pretty cool. I think I'll see my first soccer game this sunday. Panathenikos and AEK. Both Athens teams. It should be a good game. I'll put pictures up.

Anywho, that's about it. later.

An update on my jeans, the hole is really big now. I don't think I can wear them anymore. Gonna have to buy a patch. Will keep you updated.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a good time. Patches galore.

Ultimate frisbee is a pretty fierce sport. But lay off the juice.